Benefits of Pleasure

When was the last time you did something just for you? Our bodies are wired to seek pleasure, yet many of us defer our own pleasure and rewards until later, when everything is done and everyone has what they need, which is almost never. Pleasure can and should be an essential part of a healthy and balanced life.

By prioritizing our own well-being and taking time to do things we enjoy, we are sending a message to ourselves that we are worth investing in and that our needs and desires matter.

Having little pleasure breaks throughout the day doesn’t have to take a lot of time or cost money – think simple pleasures like calling a friend, taking a short walk outside, snuggling with a pet, listening to music, using your favorite scented hand cream. What would feel like love to you?

Benefits of daily pleasure breaks include:

Stress Reduction: When engaging in pleasurable activities, our brains release dopamine and endorphins, the chemicals that promote feelings of happiness and can help reduce stress levels.

Better Mood: Pleasure breaks, even if for just a few minutes, can improve overall mood and promote a sense of well-being. We’re more likely to be productive, creative, and motivated in a positive state of mind.

Creativity: Pleasurable experiences can bring about inspiration and help discover new ideas or ways of looking at the world and can fuel creative endeavors.

Self-Care: By taking time to do things that bring joy, we can reduce stress levels and promote feelings of well-being and contentment, and also increase resilience.

Improved Relationships: By connecting what we enjoy with friends or loved ones, we can deepen those relationships and promote a sense of community.

It's important to make time for activities that bring joy and pleasure and to prioritize self-care as a way to support overall well-being. Make a list of what is pleasurable to you and plan to incorporate breaks throughout the day. Let me know how it goes or if you want some ideas. 😊


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